Let's Make it Happen!
Please join with your friends and neighbors and share your gifts in support of the preservation of “Ruth’s House” as a community owned and managed property. Your generosity will benefit the Southport community now and for the years to come. We thank you!

Your support is greatly appreciated!
Want to send a personal check?
Please make it payable to:
Land For Southport's Future
And send it to:
P.O. Box 298
Southport Island, ME 04576
Gifts of stock and other securities are always welcome. Please get in touch for further information on how to reach our brokerage account representative.
Is your gift in honor or in memory of someone?
If you wish to make your donation as a gift in honor or memory of someone, we will be glad to send an acknowledgement card as appropriate. We will be announcing a Holiday Gifting Opportunity shortly!

Thank you for your generous support of this important community initiative.
Gifts to Land For Southport's Future are 100% tax deductible under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. We will be glad to send you a receipt for your records.